About the School
School Mission Statement
Leonora Fillmore Elementary School is dedicated to providing our students with the knowledge, skills and motivation to help them become productive citizens and lifelong learners. Our mission is to teach students at their instructional level, and then do whatever it takes to accelerate learning.
School Profile
Lompoc is located 150 miles northwest of Los Angeles in Santa Barbara County and has a population of approximately 40,000. The Lompoc Unified School District strives to provide a quality education for all its students with a wide range of programs and a talented staff dedicated to the needs of our students. The District serves more than 10,000 students in grades K-12 living in the City of Lompoc, Vandenberg Village, Mesa Oaks, Mission Hills, Vandenberg Air Force Base, and rural areas adjacent to these communities.
Fillmore School prides itself in having an extremely caring staff. We are focused on student achievement, and we monitor our students to ensure that we intervene whenever a problem manifests itself.
Fillmore School is committed to providing a strong instructional program for all students to ensure excellence in education. The school operates on a traditional calendar.
School Vision Statement
Fillmore Elementary School is a nurturing, innovative learning community where every member grows.
School Safety
Safety of students and staff is a primary concern of Fillmore School. The school is in compliance with all laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to hazardous materials and state earthquake standards. The school’s disaster preparedness plan includes steps for ensuring student and staff safety during a disaster. We conduct fire and disaster drills on a regular basis. All visitors must check in at the school office and wear a visitor’s badge while on school grounds. During lunch, recess, and before and after school, teachers, custodians, the principal, and noon-duty supervisors monitor students and school grounds, including the cafeteria and playgrounds, to ensure a safe and orderly environment.
In 1998, the Comprehensive Safety Plan was developed by the district in consultation with local law enforcement in order to comply with Senate Bill 187 of 1997. The plan provides students and staff a means to ensure a safe and orderly learning environment. Components of the Comprehensive Safety Plan include child-abuse reporting procedures, teacher notification of dangerous pupil procedures, disaster-response procedures, procedures for safe ingress and egress from school, sexual harassment policies, and dress code guidelines. The plan was last updated and reviewed with school staff in November 2018. A copy of the plan is available to the public at the school and district offices.